Have fun with Yazi's recipes in your kitchen
So many of my friends and customers have said: when are we seeing the Yazi curry book? Well, what with running around after my teenagers, having fun (and a fair bit of hassle) being a mum, organising a business, sitting on school governor panels and working for various women's groups, the short answer is - short of time. I just haven't quite got there with the book. Mind, you will come across some of my recipes, published in Madhur Jaffrey 'Curry Nation' book. However, fear not, I shall be posting recipes regularly here on my website for you to cook and enjoy . Why not take a picture of the dishes you create and post them on my site. And don't forget to watch my video's for some tips to cook perfect curries.
Let's start with one for the kids:
Coconut balls
I love to get my kids involved with some cooking. The kids love making and eating these simple and yummy sweets. Try it out, have fun with sticky fingers.Just keep a close eye on your little ones. Coconut balls have a habit of disappearing fast!
Cauliflower and Potato Curry
Another one of my favourite vegetable dishes. The onion seeds make such a difference to the flavour. Love this with some lime squeezed on top. So Tangalicious.
Want to cool it down? Then don't forget to buy some natural yogurt. Add a spoon full on your plate of delicious Cauliflower and Potato Curry. Impress your friends with a home made really healthy curry.
Seekh Kebabs
Who says we have to worry about our figure and ignore these mouth watering Kebabs? I love cooking these. Another simple healthy starter as long as you don't end up eating more than your share. Warning! they are morish. My kids love the kebabs wrapped in parantas or pitta bread. I enjoy them with salad, mint and yogurt sauce (see mint sauce recipe )

Spicy Keema Lasagne
To put a smile on my childrens face. I love cooking them this recipe. A favourite dish with no left overs. A mouth watering lasagne with lots of lovely flavours.

I am pretty good at ensuring I eat my vegetables. I love to add vegetables to keema (mincemeat), whether it is cauliflower, peppers or this beautiful and beneficial green vegetable called Karela or bitter gourd melon.
There are many ways you can cook this vegetable. I spent my childhood listening to my parents lecturing me about the benefits of this ‘Crocdile’ lookalike vegetable. I definitely appreciate the knowledge my parents shared with me. See Yazi blog page for more information.
Chicken Curry on the bone
Chicken Curry on the bone adds an amazing flavour to the sauce. I can taste the Chicken curry just thinking about this delicious dish. My mum always cooked this dish. As a child I often witness the whole process of my father buying alive chicken from the farmer to my mother creating this wonderful dish, for us all to share with some home cooked chapattis.

Fresh home cooked Chappatti's (roti)
A curry is never complete without some home cooked fresh chappatti's. So easy to cook. I love making these with the children. To add an extra smile to the little faces how about buttering the chappatti's and sprinkling with sugar. view recipe

Fresh Home cooked Paranta
Paranta's are a wonderful treat ideal for Sunday breakfast. Enjoy them with spicy omellette, pickle or a nice cup of chai.The dough we use is same as making chappatti's though some people like to add a bit salt or herbs.

Pokora's are just perfect starters whether you are feeling down on a rainy day or want to go out on a picnic. I love making the batter first and then adding in the rest of the ingredients. Creating a variety of delicious fish pokora,chicken pokora, mushroom or the pokora you see in this recipe . I will be soon adding my very own Pokora Spice mix to the shop page